Free Download, Living Without Hurry: It’s Time to End the Rush

Free Download, Living Without Hurry: It’s Time to End the Rush

Do you ever feel like you’re living your life racing toward someday when everything feels better or easier? Like you’re constantly chasing something—maybe a dream, money, the perfect body, or love and, at the core of it all, happiness?

I chased all these things for years, filling most of my time with activities to attain them, all the while neglecting my deepest needs and ultimately feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

It’s one of life’s greatest ironies—we  push ourselves so hard to find peace and fulfillment in the future without realizing both are available right now if we could only create space to access them.

And when we finally allow ourselves a little downtime, we often fill it with screens and sensory overload, so it rarely feels truly restful.

If you’re tired of living in a state of rush and anxiety, like you simply can’t switch off, I have a feeling you’ll appreciate today’s free download, Living Without Hurry, from Tiny Buddha contributor (and this week’s site sponsor) Cristina Bonnet-Acosta.

In this short PDF, Cristina presents seven days of easy steps to take to help you slow down and reinforce to yourself that your well-being matters.

The activities suggested might seem simple, especially since most take five to ten minutes. But when you’re used to constantly pushing and distracting yourself, it can be challenging to take even a little time to simply be.

Once you surrender, however, it can be incredibly nourishing and healing. Because slowing down our bodies often calms down our minds.

As someone who already incorporates many of the practices Cristina recommends, I realized while reading Living Without Hurry that I sometimes let them slip when I need them the most—during the busier times when I convince myself I don’t have time to relax.

While I already practice many of the activities Cristina recommends, I realized when reading Living Without Hurry that I sometimes let them slip when I need them the most—when life feels busier than usual and I convince myself that I simply don’t have time to relax.

But rest is often most beneficial when we feel we don’t have time for it. And sometimes it’s the quiet moments of stillness within periods of chaos that remind us we don’t want to be so busy. That we might have responsibilities and people depending on us, but we can also choose to do less. Say no. Set boundaries. Ask for help. And ultimately protect our peace.

In a world that constantly pushes us to go faster, achieve more, and fill every moment with productivity, we’ve forgotten how to live at our own pace—and how to thrive within it.

That’s why I’m excited to share Living without Hurry with you. It’s not just another guide to slowing down—it’s a pathway to restoring the natural balance and harmony that your nervous system craves.

And this guide is crafted by someone who truly understands the deeper layers of this struggle. With degrees in Buddhism and psychotherapy, Cristina is an insightful and compassionate coach who has spent years exploring how our fast-paced, overstimulated world impacts our nervous systems and well-being.

In her work, she recognized that the epidemic of hurrying, rushing, and multi-tasking is one of the greatest harms of our industrialized and information-heavy times. Now, as an emotional wellness and Organic Intelligence® Coach, she has lovingly created this resource to help you break free from that pressure.

We are wired to thrive in rhythm with the world around us. Nature moves in cycles—there’s no rush, no forcing. There are seasons for action, but there are also seasons for stillness, reflection, and rest.

Living without Hurry can help you find your own rhythm, trust the intelligence of your own body and mind, and find calm in a world that constantly demands more of you.

If you’re ready to break free from busyness and enjoy the peace and ease of simply being, download Living without Hurry here and watch your stress slowly turn into peace.

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here.

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